Saturday, January 14, 2017

K-2SO gets a bootleg buildable figure care of KSZ


At this point in time, Star Wars is a guaranteed money-printing machine. Rogue One is no exception. As it stands, the movie has grossed upwards of $900 million. Of course, no Star Wars movie is complete without the myriad of merchandise on retail – including bootlegs of said merchandise.

Today I’ll be showing you a bootleg of Lego’s Buildable Figures K-2SO, that sassy droid which endeared itself to many moviegoers. This set is made by KSZ. I have seen this brand around for some time now. They aren’t as prolific as the more known makers are, but they do produce a number of minifig sets and buildable figures, the latter of which is a market that hasn’t been tapped much by bootleggers. Let’s take a quick dive and see what this set has to offer.