Friday, February 12, 2016

Someone cloned Lego’s Millenium Falcon, and it’s a new maker [Lepin Star Wars The Force Awakens Millenium Falcon]

IMG_20160209_205915Well. The allure of cashing in from a sure-fire merchandising behemoth like Star Wars produced a new entrant in the Lego clone scene, Lepin. Getting another maker isn’t exactly surprising, it’s that they jumped into the fray with huge sets from the get-go. To be honest, the Millenium Falcon isn’t the first of their kits to come over. The first I’ve seen from them is Kylo Ren’s Command Shuttle, an equally-huge set (but something I personally skipped, not being a fan of the ship design in general). So yeah, Lepin came in with a splash tidal wave, not being content in starting off with the usual 8-character themed minifig sets.